Sometimes Sweet, A lot of times Smutty

Always Saucy Tomfoolery


Hi, I’m Jori Reeves and like other little girls, I lived in a pretend world of magic portions, talking to trees and invisible people and the animals in the yard; squirrels, birds, cats, bunnies, butterflies, and a real friend, the little girl down the road. About eighth grade, I learned I could write stories about this world, and include dragons, flying horses, time travel, and boys. Today, I write about dragons, shifters, vampires, wizards and apprentices.

I am so excited that you found my website and I hope you are interested in joining my close-knit community of romantasy lovin’ patrons! As my patron, I invite you to join the four planned events each month, receive photos I take as I walk, chat about the direction the current work-in-progress story is going, and any scenes written in a different point of view than our main character. These scenes won’t be consistent, but I often try scenes out from various character’s point of view to see which I like the best. Join me on my journey through another world.